Thursday, September 7

10:00 Is Lithuania becoming a country of big shows?*

Speakers: Andrius Žiaurberis (Avia Solutions Group arena, LT), Mantas Vedrickas (Žalgirio arena, LT), Remigijus Ambrulaitis (Švyturio arena/Palangos koncertų salė, LT), Martynas Tyla (association “Metų muzikos apdovanojimai M.A.M.A, LT), GJan (artist, LT), Simonas Sudaras (, LT).


Moderator: Ramūnas Zilnys (LRT, LT)


11:15 How will AI impact the future of music?*

Speakers: Agnė Begetė (AGATA, LT), Andrius Iškauskas (lawyer, LT), Vaidas Stackevičius (Lithuanian music business association, M.P.3, LT), Vytis Puronas (LMTA, LT).


Moderator: Tomas Paliūnas (The state51 Music Group, LT). 


12:30 Next First Steps: Is your team elevating the brand? 

Speakers: Aistė Zabitaitė (The state51 Conspiracy, LT/UK), Brooke Black (Global Communications expert, Brooke Black PR, USA/DK),  Eglė Gedminaitė (Perspective Collective, LT), Sean Preston (Ninja Tune, UK). 


Moderator: Tomas Paliūnas (The state51 Music Group, LT). 


13:30 Break


14:15 Believe. Digital distribution Q&A.

Speaker: Stanislav Malikov (Believe, UA). 


Moderator: Tomas Paliūnas (The state51 Music Group, LT). 


15:15 Get to know your neighbours: presentation of the Latvian music market. 

Speakers: Agnese Cimuška-Rekke (Music Export Latvia, LV), Guna Zučika (Every Little Thing, LV).


Moderator: Ramūnas Zilnys (LRT, LT).


16:00 EU funding opportunities for the music sector. 

Speaker: Kamilė Čelutkaitė (Creative Europe Desk Lithuania, LT)


Moderator: Ramūnas Zilnys (LRT, LT).


17:15 In the spotlight: interview with Elliott Lefko


Moderator: Ramūnas Zilnys (LRT, LT).


*panel will be held in Lithuanian.

Friday, September 8

10:00 Latest trends and the future of ticketing

Speakers: Áron Farkas (TicketSwap, HU), Marijus Plančiūnas (Paysera Tickets, LT), Justas Pačinskas (, LT).


Moderator: Tomas Paliūnas (The state51 Music Group, LT).


11:15 Sync licencing: music for films

Speakers: Connie Farr (ThinkSync Music, UK), Agnė Matulevičiūtė (composer, LT), Ieva Marija Baranauskaitė (composer, LT).


Moderator: Tomas Paliūnas (The state51 Music Group, LT). 


12:15 Agents and local artists – is there a chance for a match? 

Speakers: Beckie Sugden (CAA, UK), Lukas Menke (Selective Artists, DE).


Moderator: Ramūnas Zilnys (LRT, LT).


13:00 Break


13:45 Get to know your neighbours: presentation of the Estonian music market

Speaker: Ave Tölpt (Music Estonia, EE).


Moderator: Ramūnas Zilnys (LRT, LT).


14:15 French market presentation.

Speaker: Benjamin Demelemester (Centre national de la musique (CNM), FR).


Moderator: Ramūnas Zilnys (LRT, LT).


15:00 Challenges, differences and perspectives of international festivals. 

Speakers: Camila Anino (Primavera Pro, ES), Magda Kurek (Great September, PL), Marie Ligocká (Colours of Ostrava, CZ), Robert Meijerink (ESNS, NL), Sindri Astmarsson (Iceland Airwaves, IS), Yannick Koch (Reeperbahn Festival, GER). 


Moderator: Ramūnas Zilnys (LRT, LT).


16:15 I’m all ears. Listening session.

Speakers: Daniel Meinel (FLUX FM, GER),  Emma Swann (DIY, UK), Rebecca Galian Castello (Composer & Freelance Music Journalist / CLASH, UK).


Moderator: Ramūnas Zilnys (LRT, LT).

Conference is taking place at the Martynas Mažvydas National Library Of Lithuania.

Conference is free of charge but registration is compulsory. Register .